


    Gosvâmi Tulasidas

    If there is any book that has inspired millions of common people to lead religious and spiritual lives down the centuries, it is the Râmacharitamânas of Tulsidas.  Goswami Tulsidas was born in August 1497 and lived for 125 years. He wrote the life of Sri Rama in the popular dialect, Hindi, for the first time.


    nâma mahimâ

    Shri Râmcharitmânas


    The name of Ishvara [popularly translated as “God” in English], is extremely powerful. Millions of souls have crossed the ocean of samsâra by the power of the name of Bhagavân. The two-syllabled holy name of Râma removes sorrow, existential suffering, and brings eternal bliss.

    From Bâlakânda


    râma-nâma maṇi-dîpa dharu, jîha deharîn dvâr

    tulasî bhîtar bâherahun joun câhasi ujiyâr 21

    Place the glowing gem-like lamp of the name of Sri Rama at the door called your lips, on the doorsill called your tongue. Tulsidas assures you, there shall be pure and brilliant light both within you and without you.

    nâm  jîh japi jâgahi jogi . birati biranchi prapancha biyogi

    brahma-sukhahi anubhavahin anūpâ akatha anâmaya nâm na rūpâ 1

    The yogi wakes up with the name of Sri Rama on his lips. He is not deluded by the glitter of the world. Through the power of the divine name, he enjoys the bliss of Brahman and is not confused by this world of name and form, which is temporary and illusory.

    jânâ cahahin gūdh gati jeū . nâm jiha japi jânahi teu

    sâdhaka nâma japahi laya lâyen. Hohin siddh animâdika pâyen 2

    In order to know the deep secrets of the Divine, that is, in order to understand the mystery of the supreme Being, the repetition of the holy name of Sri Rama is essential. Through such repetition, not only is the aspirant filled with divine knowledge but also acquires the eight occult powers.


    japahi nâmu jana ârat bhârî  mitahin kusankata hohin sukhârî

    râma bhagat jaga châri prakârâ. sukṛti câriu anagh udârâ 3

    By repeating the holy name of Râma, the sorrows, sufferings, etc of the devotees are all removed. Everything shall be blissful.  There are four types of Rama’s devotees, the helpless [ârta], the seeker of wealth [arthârthi], the enquirer into spiritual knowledge [jijnâsu], and the person of knowledge [jnâni]. All shall be blessed by the name.


    cahū  chatur kahun nâm adhârâ. Gyânî  prabhuhi biseṣhi piyârâ

     cahun juga chahun shruti nâm prabhâū. Kali biseshi nahin ân upâū 4

    All the four types of devotees are pleasing to God, but amongst them, the jnâni or person of knowledge is the dearest to the Supreme. The power and glory of the Name of God is expressed in all the Vedas, at all times. But in the present Kali age, the importance and supremeness of repeating God’s names can never be exaggerated.

    Jai Sri Ram!!


    What is in a name? Why should we perform japa? What is the importance of repeating the name of Ishvara? The name of Ishvara is sound vibration. It is a powerful vibration which drills holes into metal and concrete walls of worldliness and shows us the glory of the Divine. The mantra is the name. It purifies us, it cleans our soul. It leads us to the Divine. What we call bliss at this present moment is just trash. We are seeking happiness in the dust. When through the power of Ishvara’s names, whichever the name may be, we begin to evolve spiritually, our lives will attain supreme glory.

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