De Kracht van Vedanta
Sarah Ellen Waldo

{Saint Sara! She was one of the pillars of Vedanta work. She gave Inspired Talks to the world. Her services to her guru, Swami Vivekananda, can never be exaggerated. In an article on Vedanta, Sarah Ellen Waldo says the following.}
Als u enige twijfel voelt
♣ of deze ‘heidenen’ ons iets van waarde kunnen leren,
♣ of het de moeite waard is om te bestuderen wat ze ons kunnen vertellen,
♣ en of het de moeite waard is om hun standpunt te begrijpen, zelfs als we hun conclusies niet aanvaarden,
het kan voor u nuttig zijn om op zijn minst rekening te houden met de woorden van iemand die zeker het recht op respectvolle overweging heeft verdiend.
En zijn woorden hebben geen onzeker geluid. Hij zegt: ‘Ik beweer dan ook dat er voor een studie van de mens, of, als je wilt, voor een studie van de Arische mensheid, niets in de wereld even belangrijk is als de Veda. Ik beweer dat voor iedereen die voor zichzelf zorgt, voor zijn voorouders, voor zijn geschiedenis of voor zijn intellectuele ontwikkeling is een studie van de Vedische literatuur onmisbaar. En dat het als een element van liberaal onderwijs veel belangrijker en veel beter is dan de regering van Babylonische en Perzische koningen, zelfs dan de data en daden van veel van de koningen van Juda en Israël. ”

Er is nauwelijks een uitdrukking die nadrukkelijker kan zijn dan deze. Het toont heel duidelijk aan hoe diep de indruk moet zijn geweest die op de geest van de spreker moet zijn achtergelaten door zijn onderzoek naar de Indiase heilige overlevering, die zo veel heeft gedaan om de interesse van anderen te wekken voor soortgelijke studies.
The recently-published detailed life of Sarah Ellen Waldo is here:
SARAH ELLEN WALDO [Saint Sara]’s words on Vedanta
[Sarah Ellen Waldo is the author of Inspired Talks, a collection of Swami Vivekananda’s words, given in Thousand Island park]
If you feel any doubt as to
whether these ” heathen” have anything of value to teach us,
whether it is worth our while to study what they can tell us,
and whether it is worth endeavour to understand their point of view, even if we do not accept their conclusions,
it may be of use to you to at least consider the words of one who certainly has earned the right to respectful consideration.
And his words have no uncertain sound. He says: “I maintain, then, that for a study of man, or, if you like, for a study of Aryan humanity, there is nothing in the world equal in importance with the Veda. I maintain that to everybody who cares for himself, for his ancestors, for his history, or for his intellectual development, a study of Vedic literature is indispensable. And that as an element of liberal education it is far more important and far more improving than the reigns of Babylonian and Persian Kings. Aye, even than the dates and deeds of many of the Kings of Judah and Israel.”
Hardly any expression could be more emphatic than this. It shows very plainly how deep must have been the impression left on the speaker’s mind by his researches into Indian sacred lore, which researches have done so much to arouse the interest of others in pursuing similar studies. These words of Prof. Max Muller, first uttered in 1882, he reiterates with unabated vigor in 1892, showing that the intervening years, while bringing him much added knowledge in the field of Vedic literature, had only confirmed, and even strengthened, his opinion of the great value and importance of the teachings of the Vedas, and more especially the Upanishads, or literature of the Vedanta.

From this rich mine of spiritual thought, the Veda, the great teachers of Vedanta have drawn their fundamental principles. They have carefully sifted the gold from the rough ore, and have put it before the world in a form that is more easily to be apprehended. Later teachers have still further simplified the language and the mode of expression, so that today we have a system of philosophy that is marvellous in its simplicity, yet sublime in its extent, covering, as it does, every field of religion and philosophy. Well may it be called universal, for it excludes none. It provides for every stage of development in that vast school of man which we call the world. From the little babe to the most advanced sage, a place is found for all, and in every babe Vedanta recognizes the sage that is to be. It does not, however, offer to the child the same lesson as to the youth, nor to the youth as to the man. It recognizes spiritual evolution just as plainly as the science of the West recognizes the physical and mental evolution.