Editorial: World
This month’s editorial is about the straight path and the maze made out of it.
This month’s editorial is about the straight path and the maze made out of it.
Deze maand, Mary Saaleman brengt sommige incidenten in het leven van Swami Saradananda, en discipel van Sri Ramakrishna.
Dhr Corne van Nijhuis brengt je een verrassend verhaal over het getal 49 in het boeddhisme. is een gerenommeerd wetenschapper.
Mr Kees Boukema is an eminent scholar, well-known to the Ramakrishna – Vedanta family. This month, he writes about the experiences of Sri Ramakrishna and a “natural” end to life.
Sri Ramakrishna and his disciple Swami Saradananda. The story of how the disciple saw his divine Master.
Before IT came, very few Indians used to migrate to the United States and Europe. Now IT has opened the floodgates and many unprepared youth are settling in the West. They have no idea about their roots, are not firm in their dharma and so cannot guide their children. Thus their children are allowed to grow in the “modern” style–just stomach-centered lives, without spiritual roots. This month we present an interview and also a concert…
Professor Paulo Bittencourt begins an interesting discussion on the role of religions and Sri Ramakrishna.